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Scale beyond clouds.
With you.

Heviat is always looking for new talent to help us pursue our vision. Be part of the European cloud mission and help us make Europe more digital.

Benefits of working at Heviat

Flat hierarchies
Heviat is growing - but remains flat. You enjoy direct routes to the top floors and a familiar working environment in which decisions are made quickly.
Sustainable investments instead of profit maximization
We finance ourselves through organic growth - without venture capital and major investors. For great products instead of higher margins and deadline pressure.
Young and committed team
The average age of our team is under 30. Heviat is developed by dedicated talents who are passionate about their work. Even the bosses still write code here.

Current open positions

Unfortunately there are currently no vacancies. Please check back later.

Nothing for you?

We are always happy to receive unsolicited applications and will try to offer you a suitable position.